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Peer-Reviewed Scientific Publications from the Lab (Complete List)

Note: Charlotte Ursula Tate, Ph.D., has published under the names"Chuck Tate" (a nickname) to have butch lesbian visbility (2000-2011) and "Charlotte Chuck/y Tate" to have female visibility (including butch lesbian visibility) and transgender visibility simultaneously (2012-present).

You may also find Dr. Tate's papers on her Google Scholar profile.

Publications below are listed in reverse chronological order [i.e., most recent first] and not organized by topic. Names with * (asterisk) are current or former students at the time of publication.

Agreement: Clicking on any link to a paper below is interpreted as a personal request on your part to see this work. Your ability to view the .pdf of this work constitutes my response to your personal request to see that specific paper.

28.) Tate, C. C. (2025, in press). Nuance and specificity always matter—especially for all the meanings of “gender”: A reply to Jackson and Bussey (2024). British Journal of Psychology. doi: 10.1111/bjop.12771

27.) Paap, K. R., Majoubi, J., Anders-Jefferson, R. T., Iosilevsky, R., & Tate, C. U.

(2024, in press). Do bilingual advantages in domain-general executive-

functioning occur in everyday life and/or when performance-based measures have excellent psychometric properties? Psychological Review.

26.) Ledgerwood, A., Lawson, K. M., Kraus, M. W., Vollhardt, J. R., Adetula, A., Leach, C. W., Martinez, J. E., Naumann, L. P., Remedios, J. D., Tate, C. C., Todd, A.  

R., Uskul, A. K., Westberg, D. W., González, R., Montilla Doble, L. J., Reddy, G., Romero-Canyas, R., Weltzien, K., Westgate, E., & Zou, L. X. (2024). Disrupting racism and global exclusion in academic publishing: Recommendations and resources for authors, reviewers, and editors from SPSP’s ACEMAP task force. Collabra: Psychology, 10, 121394.

25.) Tate, C. C. (2022). Is lesbian identity obsolete? Some (limited) answers and further questions from a unique philogogy of human behavioral science perspective. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 26, 199-215.

24.) Assylkhan, K., Moon, J.*, Tate, C. C., Howell, R. T., & Mello, Z. M. (2021). Time beyond traits: Time perspective dimensions, personality traits, and substance use in adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 179, 110926.


23.) Ghafur, R. D.,* & Tate, C. C. (2021). Toward an understanding of trait

competition, cooperation, and explicit intergroup prejudice. Journal of Social Psychology, 161, 160-172. [view .pdf]

22.) Barber, S. J., Lee, H.*, Becerra, J.*, & Tate, C. C. (2019). When older adults smile and frown: Emotional expressions affect perceptions of everyday competence. Psychology and Aging. [view .pdf]

21.) Chessin, K.*, Lazo, A.*, Strait, M.*, & Tate, C. C. (2019). Facilitating and inhibiting factors for self-reports of same-gender attraction in cisgender heterosexual-identifying women and men. Journal of Sex Research, 56, 1156- 1167. [view .pdf]

20.) Hyde, J.S., Bigler, R., Joel, D., Tate, C. C., van Anders, S. M. (2019). The future of sex and gender in psychology: Five challenges to the gender binary. American Psychologist, 74, 171-193. [view .pdf]

19.) Clark, K. D., Yovanoff, P., & Tate, C. U. (2017). Development and validation of a child racial attitudes index (RAI). Behavior Research Methods, 49, 2044-2060. [view .pdf]

18.) Dean, M. L., & Tate, C. C. (2017). Extending the legacy of Sandra Bem: Psychological androgyny as a touchstone conceptual advance for the study of gender in psychological science. Sex Roles, 76, 643-654. [view .pdf]

17.) Mansoori-Rostam, S. M.*, & Tate, C. C. (2017). Peering into the “black box” of education interventions and attitude change: Audience characteristics moderate the effectiveness...and then only toward specific targets. Journal of Social Psychology, 157, 1-15. [view .pdf]

16.) Tate, C. C., & Pearson, M. D.* (2016). Toward an inclusive model of lesbian identity development: Outlining a common and nuanced model for cis and trans women. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 20, 97-115. [view .pdf]

15.) Tate, C. U. (2015). On the overuse and misuse of mediation analysis: It may be a matter of timing. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 37, 235-246. [view .pdf]

13.) Tate, C. C., Bettergarcia, J. N., & Brent, L. M. (2015). Re-assessing the role of gender-related cognitions for self-esteem: The importance of gender typicality for cisgender adults. Sex Roles, 72, 221-236. [view .pdf]

12.) Tate, C. C., Youssef, C. P., & Bettergarcia, J. N. (2014). Integrating the study of transgender spectrum and cisgender experiences of self-categorization from a personality perspective. Review of General Psychology, 18, 302-312. [view .pdf]

11.) Tate, C. C. (2014). Resentment of paternalism as system change sentiment: Hostile sexism toward men and actual behavior in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Journal of Social Psychology, 154, 28-39. [view .pdf]

10.) Tate, C. C. (2013b). Another meaning of Darwinian feminism: Toward inclusive evolutionary accounts of sexual orientations. Journal of Social, Cultural, and Evolutionary Psychology, 7, 344-353. [view .pdf]

9.) Tate, C. C. (2013a). Addressing conceptual confusions regarding evolutionary theorizing: How and why evolutionary psychology and feminism do not oppose each other. Sex Roles, 69, 491-502. [view .pdf]

8.) Tate, C. C., Ledbetter, J. N., & Youssef, C. P. (2013). A two-question method for assessing gender categories in the social and medical sciences. Journal of Sex Research, 50, 767-776. [view .pdf]

7.) Tate, C. C. (2012). Considering lesbian identity from a social-psychological perspective: Two models of "being a lesbian." Journal of Lesbian Studies, 16, 17-29. [view .pdf]

6.) Tate, C. (2011). The "problem of number" revisited: The relative contributions of psychosocial, experiential and evolutionary factors to the desired number of sexual partners. Sex Roles, 64, 644-657. [view .pdf]**

5.) Tate, C., & Ledbetter, J. N.* (2010). Oversimplifying evolutionary psychology leads to explanatory gaps. American Psychologist, 65, 929-930. [view .pdf]

4.) Clark, K. D., & Tate, C. (2008). Measuring racial prejudice in a multiracial world: New methods and new constructs. In M. A. Morrison & T. G. Morrison (Eds.), The Psychology of Modern Prejudice (pp. 93-122). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. [view .pdf]

3.) Knauper, B., Stich, C., Yugo, M., & Tate, C. (2008). Stretched rating scales cause guided responding. Health Communication, 23, 253-258. [view .pdf]

2.) Malle, B. F., & Tate, C. (2006). Explaining the past, predicting the future. In L. J. Sanna & E. C. Chang (Eds.), Judgments over time: The interplay of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (pp. 182-209). New York: Oxford University Press. [view .pdf]

1.) Tate, C., & Audette, D. (2001). Theory and research on 'race' as a natural kind variable. Theory and Psychology, 11, 495-520. [view .pdf]

Tate, C. (2000). Automatic assumptions of automaticity. American Psychologist, 55, 766-767. [view .pdf]

Select Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

(Consult CV for Complete List)


Tate, C. U. (2022). The importance of Type III and Type IV epistemic errors for improving empirical science. In L. J. Jussim, J. A. Krosnick, & S. T. Stevens (Eds.), Research integrity (pp. 316-337). London, UK: Oxford University Press.

Tate, C. (2014). Gender identity as a personality process. In B. L. Miller (Ed.), Gender identity: Disorders, developmental perspectives and social implications (pp. 1-22). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. [view .pdf]

Tate, C. (2008). Race-making redux: Medicine, policy, and the re-emergence of biological arguments for "race" [Book review: Race in Contemporary Medicine]. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 8, 271-273. [view .pdf]

**Additional Note: Both the Smith and Konik (2011) intro to the special issue and Buss and Schmitt (2011) commentary used the wrong pronouns for Charlotte Tate. The correct pronouns are "she/her."

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Voice: (415) 338-3948



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